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Josué Camargo Mendes Award

Professor Josué Camargo Mendes (light suit) receives from the teacher Antonio Carlos Rocha Campos a tribute plaque during the VIII Brazilian Congress of Paleontology, held at the Brazilian Academy of Science between July 3 and 8, 1983.


Paleontologist Josué Camargo Mendes made his scientific career at the University of São Paulo (USP). He carried out research mainly with fossil invertebrates, and was one of the paleontologists who most engaged in the teaching of paleontology in Brazil, publishing the first textbooks in the area, which contributed to the formation of several generations of paleontologists.
The book General Paleontology by Josué Camargo Mendes supported the formation of the generation of Brazilian paleontologists graduated between the 70's and 90's.
The Brazilian Society of Paleontology will award the award Josué Camargo Mendes Prize for students to present the best papers at the Brazilian Congress of Paleontology, conferred in three categories: undergraduate, masters and doctorate, according to rules established by a commission established for this purpose.
The Josué Camargo Mendes Prize was established at the XVI Brazilian Congress of Paleontology, held in the city of Crato (Ceará), in August 1999. After an interruption of 16 years, the prize was again awarded in 2015, at the XXIV Brazilian Congress of Paleontology, also occurred at Crato city.